Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Whine: 25 tournaments in the last 3 days and...

If you like reading real downer blog this one is it. I'm usually a positive up beat fun person but not right now.

I have now played 25 tournaments, mostly sngs and a few mtts, and I have only had 2 cashes. One second place in a micro stakes sng and one in an MTT (small one).

Honestly I have never run this bad before! It was on 3 different sites too!

I think it's time for a poker break. There are a few books I've been wanting to read but haven't because I'm always playing. At this point in time with all the things that are going on I think my life and my poker playing are on a major downswing.

I know I should just blow it off but when so many things are going wrong at one time it's just harder to blow off the losses.

I definitely am having super bad karma!

My sister in law is actually worse. Her kidneys and digestive system aren't working and she had to have dialysis today. Things are looking really bad. Then to top that off we got the report from the doctor on my husband's prostate biopsy and they did find cancer cells. We have to meet with the doctor on Thursday. When it rains it really pours.

Well sorry for the whine if you didn't stop reading this at the warning at the beginning you should have.

1 comment:

  1. Variance. It happens. Today has been bad for me also. 15 tourneys, 2 cashes. Keep your head up and push through it.
