Monday, March 15, 2010

Weeeee - I love roller coasters!!!

Well March is certainly MAD!!! This my friends is variance at it's finest! Ya gotta love poker! I hit a really bad downswing - well not as compared to some people but for me it was pretty rough. Luckily what goes up must come down and, thank heavens, visa-versa.

Variance and these crazy downswings bother me less and less. I've learned through experience that it's just part of the wonderful game we play called poker. Usually the beginning of the month is great and the end rough but this month seems the opposite.

Overall I'm seeing a vast improvement in my game. I'm am doing so much better with push-fold and late game chip accumulation. I've also gotten rid of results oriented thinking, after all if you bust out there's a new game starting every minute on Pokerstars :)

Okay I'm going to say something that's not so nice in this paragraph and I don't mean to insult or hurt anyone's feelings but it's no wonder women have such bad results in big poker tournaments. I believe it's not just the huge ratio of men to women but it's also how so many women think or don't stop to think. I think men have lied to women so much of their lives that they always think someone is lying to them, bluffing, or trying to bully them around so they call other players down with really weak hands and don't stop to think what they can really beat in that situation. I see so many women players donk off their chips with the weakest of hands. On the other side of the coin are women who play like mice. They are afraid to push and bet into their opponents so they end up getting pushed around and ultimately beaten every time. These are the women who shove any big pair instead of playing their hand for maximum value because they are afraid of getting their big pairs cracked. Ladies get some balls and start thinking with your head! We have the skill and intelligence to be great poker players if we can just learn to think correctly and play correctly! Please don't get me wrong - I have a long way to go but I just find it so frustrating to see the way so many women tend to play when they are capable of so much better play.

I've played the ladies tournaments on Carbon Poker several times and won it once and finished in the top three several times and it just amazes me the way these women play. It is so different from the way men play. By the end of the game I'm usually ready to run screaming through the street. Okay enough bad mouthing of my own sex for one day.

Hopefully I can stay on the up side of variance for the rest of the month. May the flop be with me...

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