Friday, March 22, 2013

"Tied To The Whipping Post"

I guess you can tell by the title of this blog that March hasn't been so marvelous so far. I have 9 days left this month and after sending the most stupid email ever to my backer and getting his quite to the point reply I've had a long talk with myself and pulled my fish brain back to reality. I thank him for his "you're being a fish reply" because he was right I was totally being a fish and I'm embarrassed by stooping to sending the email I sent him. No, I'm too embarrassed to tell you what it said but believe me it was total fish thinking. 

Runbad sucks but it happens! When we're dumb enough in the first place to choose to play MTTs we have to learn to deal with variance and playing mid-stakes in the US just makes it worse. I've hit a rather rough patch of runbad but honestly I've been through a lot worse and come out of it so I'm not sure why this time had such an affect on me as it did. I think it's a combination of a few things, I had a really nasty flu a couple of weeks ago and I'm having trouble getting over it and I've let some silly things bother me that I should have been able to just blow off and deal with. I also have been pretty slack about getting in any decent volume and the combination of those things are a recipe for disaster.

So hopefully now that I've dealt with my attitude and stupid fishy thinking and embarrassed myself royally it's time to move on and win some money. So here's hoping to a much better end of March! 

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