Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas and Poker Prosperous New Year!

Well my first winning year at poker is coming to an end. I am hopeful for a last minute bang up win for a real end of the year bankroll boast but I'm just happy to end the year with a small but decent profit and a double digit ROI.

Last February 1, I was broke on PokerStars and decided to make my last deposit of a mere $30, swearing I wasn't going to ever deposit again. Well it's been all uphill since then. By the end March I had turned that final $30 deposit into $1000 and actually made a withdrawal. It's been up and down since then and at one time I managed to lose back down around $30 but quickly pulled that back up and haven't gotten lower than a few hundred since. So no more deposit since then.

Below is my graph from PokerTracker3 showing my information for the this year. I love seeing the lovely line continuing to head in an upward direction.

Here's to a great 2011! Hopefully I'll add at least one more digit to my profit by early 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there from Denmark. Hawe followed U'r blog for long time, and finally now got my own:


    I'll have your blog on my list, and maybe U would be so kind and put mine on yours?
