Friday, November 5, 2010

Appears that not working agrees with me...

I have now been unemployed for 24 days and over that 24 days I have won several nice MTsngs and had some cashes in a couple of MTTs. Overall I've never played better. My mindset is good and it shows in my games. I still have several nice size leaks to work on but don't we all.

I finally took down a $3.30 rebuy 180 man on Stars for a very nice profit. That's a pretty tough game and 5th is the best finish I had before. I've also taken down a few other MTsngs and it certainly feels nice to finish first out of 90 to 180 players.

I played the Turbo Takedown on Sunday and finished in the top 10% for $105. Not bad for the biggest donk-a-ment of the month.

Well onward and upward!!! Hope to report more winnings soon!

Wow I think this is the shortest blog I've ever written.

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